Welcome to CFSEC21 and Federal Leaders Talk about Food Safety and the Health of Americans
Date & Time
Wednesday, March 10, 2021, 12:00 PM - 1:15 PM
Carter Blakey - US Department of Health and Human Services
Robert Tauxe - Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Frank Yiannas - US Food and Drug Administration
Paul Kiecker - FSIS, USDA
Robert Tauxe - Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Frank Yiannas - US Food and Drug Administration
Paul Kiecker - FSIS, USDA

Conference co-chairs Cindy Jiang and Steven Mandernach welcome attendees to the conference. Leaders from Federal agencies talk about where we are with food safety and their efforts to collaborate for the better health of all Americans. This session will combine live comments and a Q&A session.
Session Type
Virtual Session Link