Full Name
Jason Dorsey
Job Title
Speaker and President
The Center for Generational Kinetics
Speaker Bio
Jason Dorsey is a pioneering Gen Z, Millennial, and
generations speaker and researcher. He is on a mission
to separate generational myth from truth to solve
generational challenges for leaders.
Keynote Speaker
Jason has received more than 1,000 standing ovations for
his unique presentations. He’s headlined events around
the world, from India, Singapore and Switzerland to
Chile and Finland, the UK, and France.
Jason has appeared as a generational expert on more
than 200 TV shows such as 60 Minutes, 20/20, CNN,
CNBC, The Early Show, The Today Show, along with
hundreds more media interviews, including a New York
Times cover story. Adweek calls him a “research guru.”
Generational Researcher
Jason is President of The Center for Generational Kinetics
(CGK), the leading generational research, strategy, and
consulting firm. CGK works with more than 100 clients
annually to solve tough generational challenges—in areas
from—sales and marketing to recruiting and innovation.
CGK’s PhD-led team has now conducted more than
65 generational studies on four continents in multiple
languages. Jason and his team have repositioned global
brands to win each generation. They’ve advised on
multi-billion-dollar acquisitions and taken clients from last
to first in both employee retention and customer growth.
Jason’s Newest Book
Zconomy: How Gen Z Will Change the Future of Business
—and What to Do About It.
He is also a Millennial, married to a Gen X’er, and they
have a Gen Z daughter!
To learn more about Jason and his unique speaking and
research, visit: JasonDorsey.com
Jason Dorsey